Try Anyway

My restaurant is so close to being open, I can almost taste the lefse.

These are exciting times for me.  I've been running for 3 years now.  I've hit every obstacle.  But the finish line is there. And even though I've got a few more major hurdles ahead of me, I can feel this race coming to a close.

That concludes my dopey running metaphor.

Anyway, it's hard not to reflect.  I got to thinking about my journey today when my family went to Severson Dells Nature Preserve to commune with nature (and burn some toddler energy).  The hit was a giant spider web made of rope. My kids couldn't master it.  They were awkward.  They fell a lot.  But they tried anyway.

They tried anyway. "Try anyway."  Those two words have become the mantra of my life.

And I love seeing them in my children.  They can be used in response to just about everything that plagues us.  Broken hearted and don't know how to pick yourself up? Try anyway.  Beset by grief and not sure how you'll go on? Try anyway.  Feeling too old, young, short, tall, skinny, fat, white, black, yellow, purple to do it?  Try anyway.  

Or in my case: exhausted from all the damn trying? Try anyway.

Reader, whatever it is, keep at it. There is little more amazing about humans that our ability to persevere.  See you next Sunday. -Em