Be Like Mike

My kids were on spring break from school last week. Once we tested negative for Covid, we hit the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, and we caught the Michael Jordan documentary in the dome theatre. I was so inspired listening to him talk about his life approach, especially when it came to anger.

He says in the film that—every time he was denied a spot on a team or was told that he wasn’t good enough at a skill—he would get frustrated.  Then he would channel all his anger into getting better, believing that with enough work and optimism on his end, he would be able to accomplish anything.  He was always the first person on the court for practice, and the last one to leave.

That classic rock jam was right: I wanna be like Mike.

Reader, today marks the beginning of April, and I’m focusing every bit of my frustration on songwriting (to hone my craft) and clearing our woods (to clean my soul).  I've been wrestling with some hard feelings lately, and I'm grateful to have a place to put them. If you’ve got any extra angst about anything, I invite you to join me. Nothing puts anger in its place like putting it to good use. 

Wishing you focus and positivity this week. Harness those feelings. See you next Monday. -Em

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