Fan List Holiday Gift, 2016

This year's fan list holiday gift will be released to the world on iTunes on Tuesday, but as a special thank you for checking in with me here every Sunday, you get first dibs.  Enjoy!  You can download the song "Wonders" for free under the music section of my site here.  You can watch the video of us recording it below.

2016 hit me with force.  The election in our country and the fighting around the world felt particularly bleak, and I've had a hard time coming to grips with the emotional tornado in my own heart and in the hearts of my family and friends. The year has truly blown me away. It would be a lie to say that I feel the same love this holiday season as I've felt in the past.

But I'm determined to try.

As tempting as it has been to give in to rage and frustration, I'm working hard to not be swallowed by it.  A person can be strong in their beliefs without damaging their mental health.  So armed with resolve, I'm entering into the holidays with as much hope as I can.  This song is subdued, honest, hopeful, and ironic.

Because Reader, I'm not sure if the people I love can sit around at Christmas and feel as much natural affection for each other as we've done historically.  But we can certainly appreciate and attempt to respect each other as humans.  We are still civilized.  We are still decent.  And most importantly, we're still here.  And for that reason alone, we still have cause to celebrate.  Wonders never cease.

See you next Sunday,


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