Guilt Begone

It’s taken the majority of my life, but I’ve come to the revelation that nothing good in life comes from being hard on ourselves.  Literally nothing. 

This week, I failed at everything I tried to accomplish when I was putting emotional pressure on myself.   For example, I’m in an on-line music recording class, and it frankly isn’t going well.  Not because of the class, but because of me.  I’ve been mentally flogging myself through the whole experience.  So it’s no wonder I’m not “progressing.”

In contrast, when I try to accomplish a task by seeking joy, it’s almost always successful.  At my restaurant, we had another amazing wine dinner. And it’s because the entire event was put forth by trying to feel and create joy for my team and our guests.

I think I tend to have more success at the restaurant than I do in my music career lately because my relationship with my restaurant is to lift it up, whereas my relationship with myself is to put down.  That can’t be good. Time for a new inner dialogue.

Reader, if you’re also the kind of person with an inner voice that makes you feel bad, let’s try to quiet it down, ok?  We’re not here for that.  This week, let's seek the same joy for ourselves that we do for others, and see what magic comes from it.  I’ll see you next Monday. -Em

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