The Dining Room of Life

I was up early on Wednesday morning.  I had a lot to do to get ready for my birthday open mic at the restaurant, including baking myself a cake.  As I was walking through the dining room with a bowl of chocolate frosting, a kind-faced woman asked me if I was the owner.  I said yes, and I got to chatting with her and her father. Her name is Linda. I could tell that these people were kindred spirits. We talked about the open mic and Norway and Rockford. After 10 minutes of what felt like catching up with old friends, she mentioned that her wife—Melissa—would love the place.

And her wife is Melissa Etheridge. Shockwaves ran through my body.  

Even more unbelievable: Linda came back for the open mic.  It was already a magical night of music and poetry and community.  But then Linda not only got on stage to contribute to the night, but she also called her wife, and I got to talk to Melissa Etheridge on the phone.  I honestly don’t remember much of what was said.  But she talked briefly about the law of attraction, and now I’m even more of a fan, if that’s possible. Best birthday ever.

Even if I hadn’t talked to Melissa, it always restores my faith in the universe when I meet someone that feels like I’ve known forever, and Linda is just that. I ended up spending another night with Linda and our friends and family, and it’s like I reconnected with a long-lost cousin. 

Reader, the moral of my week is this: keep your head up when you’re walking through the dining room of life. You never know when you might meet a kindred spirit.  I’ll see you next Monday. -Em

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