Reflections Of The Way Life Used To Be

When I was a kid, the beginning of July was the time I would head down the railroad tracks and hunt for wild black raspberries.  I loved those berries then, and I love them now. Tonight, I went looking for them along the hedgerows near our house and came back with enough to cook with at my restaurant tomorrow.

(If you live in Rockford, check the pastry case).

Harvesting blackcaps was a great reminder that grown-ups need to grow back down sometimes.  Getting in touch with my inner child and taking life less seriously has made this week a good one for me.  I picked wild lilies. I read poetry out loud. I danced in the car.  I wore sparkly dresses, and I drank orange juice from the container. They’re dumb, simple pleasures, but they made me feel alive.

The reason for blogging for the last 15 years is because I enjoy the process of reflecting on the week and collecting my thoughts. And I share it on-line because I believe in the synchronicity of things, and I wonder if anybody else can relate. If that’s the case and you’re here relating to any of this, I wish you a week of reflecting on who you’ve been and letting your inner child run wild. See you next Monday. -Em

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