Damn Good People

I’ve got a show on the docks at Prairie Street tomorrow.  If you’ve got some time to swing by, I’d love to see you. 

This week, the weather was hot, and everything that could go wrong, did. I felt lost in most realms of my life. I wanted to give up every day.

And in a lot of ways, I did.

But my household, my restaurant, my family, and my songwriting career didn’t fall apart when I did.  Because the people around me kept it together.  In all walks of my life, they rose to every occasion. I tear up just typing about them.

Reader, you don’t have to have your act together all the time if you’ve got a few good people in your corner.  If you’ve got ‘em, you’ve got it all.  If you don’t have any, start making a couple new friends.  There is little more valuable in this life than a handful of people who have your back.  I’m going to sleep beyond grateful that I’m not alone in this life.

Speaking of good people. Next week, I’ll be off grid: I’m taking my restaurant staff on a vacation. They deserve a special treat every now and then for how wonderful they are. I won’t be able to blog while I’m away, but hopefully I’ll have a lot to write about in a few weeks.  See you then. -Em

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