Renouncing the Renowned

As a songwriter, I've spent more time and money than I'd like to admit hunting for publicity.  Most of us independent musicians are looking for a feature in Rolling Stone or No Depression or some renowned source with a lot of followers. We're all vying for ear space in an increasingly noisy world, and we look to those who've had success for at least a little guidance and at most a little ride on their coattails.

A couple years ago--before I was a restaurant owner--I was still chasing that ride.  But today? I've had it with the press.  I've had it with chasing quotes.  And I've definitely had it with believing what anybody else thinks of me.

(Needless to say: it's been a long week).

My local news stations and newspaper ran a false story about my restaurant last week, saying it had closed permanently.  The false story was damaging to our business, our self esteem, and our positivity in an already trying time.  (The State of Illinois issued an Executive Order, closing indoor dining; as far as I can tell, we're one of the few restaurants in town actually following the order, though no one in town is enforcing it).

I had a revelation about it all last week.  The only reason the papers and the news have any clout is because we give it to them.  We follow them and subscribe to them and comment on their posts.  But seeing how little they care about dispensing correct information?  I'm just not subscribing anymore.

Reader, this is a very easy time to feel helpless.  There is a virus that is still out of our control that is posing a major risk to our health, happiness, and livelihoods.  And with so much out of our control, let's remember what we can control.  We can control what we consume.  We can control what we allow to affect us.  We can control what we let into our minds and hearts, and we can control what we choose to release.

And this week, I'm releasing the local media and governing bodies' power over me.  Today, I'm breathing a little deeper and feeling a little more light.  Hopefully that extra energy will carry me through the week, and I hope you've got enough to carry you, too.  I leave you with this picture of my very open restaurant. See you next Monday. -Em

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