
"Hygge" is a Danish word that has no English equivalent.  It's basically a feeling or moment of coziness with friends and family.  

I've adopted "hygge" as the mission statement for my restaurant, The Norwegian.  It's on all the merchandise.  It's in the menu.  Heck, it's even secretly hidden on a street sign on my new album cover.

But in real life, I'm sorely lacking in hygge. Today is Christmas Eve, and it's SNOWING (one of my favorite things), and still, I'm not feeling any warm and fuzzy feelings.  I realize as I sit here reflecting that I'm feeling no hygge because I simply haven't slowed down.  I haven't taken any time to kick back and enjoy my family or my life.

So rather than blog my afternoon away, I'm off to do nothing at all. The house is a wreck, the clothes aren't folded, and the dog got a real short walk today.  And you know what?  Who bloody cares.  It's Christmas Eve.  Let's all go feel a bunch of feelings.  I hope you have a very happy holiday season, Reader.  See you next Sunday. -Em