Human Handkerchief

After I got home from work yesterday, I went outside to plant a few herb plants.  While I was bent over a bunch of basil, my 5 year-old son came over to me and blew his nose on my pants.  When I asked him why, he said: 

"I didn't feel good, and I needed a tissue." 

That's what I am these days.  A walking tissue. 

Reader, I'll keep it brief because this human handkerchief has had a long week.  If you're a kindred spirit that's always there in someone's time of need, let me tell you something: your devotion to that person makes you the recipient of something great. 

(And no, it's not a pocket full of snot). 

The connection that comes from being there for someone when they're vulnerable is so powerful.  I think as adults, we tend to forget how natural it is to be weak, to need support from someone else.  Developing trust in friendships comes not only from times we're strong together, but also from times we choose to prop each other up when we're low. 

Even if all we have to offer is pants. 

I leave you with this goof-ball picture of my son later on in the night.  Because when the tense feelings pass, all that remains is the memory of who your friends are.  See you next Monday. -Em

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