That Seuss Life

The sky broke out in pink clouds on Thursday morning.  I’ve been told that red skies in the morning are a sign of impending bad storms.  But the sky looked so much like a drawing from a Dr. Seuss book that I decided it was an omen to lighten up and embrace that Seuss life.

It’s been a heavy couple of weeks.  The world feels upside down. And my personal life does, too. And when that happens, it’s easy to get serious and lean into anger.   But we can also get creative and laugh about it.  This week, I chose the latter, and while it didn’t change reality, it did take the edge off.

Today, my 7-year-old daughter brought her hand-made slime into the car and proceeded to get it stuck in everything from the seat belt to her shoelaces.  We had to pull over on the side of the road for 15 minutes to deslime everything.  And all I could do was laugh.  I laughed til I cried.  I like to think Dr. Seuss was laughing down at me from his pink clouds under a Truffula tree in a Bar-ba-loot suit.

Reader, reality is what it is, but our outlook is whatever we make it.  Wishing you a week of light and hilarity, and I’m wishing myself the same.  It never hurts to find joy. I’ll see you next Monday. -Em

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